Super-Simple GFCF Wholegrain Sandwich Bread (vegan, rice-free, potato-free)

In nearly nine years of almost daily gluten-free baking — both my recipes and countless others’ — this is the closest to bread perfection I’ve ever achieved.

  • This recipe consistently produces a slicing bread that is fabulous right out of the oven.  Go ahead and slather butter (or your spread of choice) onto a fresh, steaming slice;  the bread does not gum up when trying to slice it when it’s still hot.  (For honest disclosure, if you want VERY THIN slices, like ¼” thick, it is best to wait until the bread cools.)
  • No more collapsed loaves!!  The bread rises great and only falls/shrinks a VERY SMALL bit during baking.
  • No more brick-like loaves:  The top is actually ROUNDED!
  • This recipe produces a nicely-browned, crusty, chewy crust.
  • The taste is excellent — no overwhelming, odd taste.  It’s subtle enough to use for both sweet and savory.  Yet, it’s complex enough to not taste bland or dull.
  • The texture is both sturdy and elastic:  It stands up to spreading, but does not readily fall apart whilst eating the sandwich.
  • The interior of the bread is moist (but never gummy), and not crumbly.
  • The bread is also great for toasting (though unlike many other g.f. loaves, does not require toasting).
  • It is 2/3 wholegrain, high in fiber, but is light in color.
  • This recipe also produces a bread that is higher in protein than most gluten-free breads, more equivalent to wheat-based bread.  The only starch used in this bread is mung bean starch (see the simple flour mixture recipe here), which is remarkably low-glycemic, due to its very high amylose content (32% amylose in mung bean starch, compared to 0.5% in corn starch).

Does this sound too good to be true??  Fair reader, it is not.  I have churned out dozens of these loaves in the last couple of weeks, and have yet to be disappointed (unless I veered from the recipe in order to tinker with it, unsuccessfully).

Rising dough. This is actually a large loaf; it rises even BETTER in a small loaf pan.

Finished loaf.

Sliced bread. I like the top a bit more rustic, like this. If you smooth your loaf out more thoroughly, prior to rising, the top of your loaf won't be quite as irregular.

I have not tried to freeze it;  we eat it too fast.  I’ve only eaten it when the bread is up to two days old, so I really don’t know how long it lasts, long-term.  If you make the bread and have any comments about preserving it, do let me know.

Another note:  This bread works best in a smaller loaf size.

Super-Simple GFCF Wholegrain Sandwich Bread

(click here for a simplified comment-free PDF of the recipe;  the following recipe is notated with suggestions)
Requires about 90 minutes’ time from start to finish.

  • 3¼ cups Simple Sandwich Bread Flour Mix
  • 1 tsp sea salt — not any less
  • 1¾ cup water, heated to 95° – 110° F
  • 1½ Tbsp granulated sugar (that is, 1 Tbsp + 1½ tsp)
  • scant Tbsp active dry yeast (that is, about 2¾ tsp)
  • 1½ Tbsp olive oil (that is, 1 Tbsp + 1½ tsp)
  • Spray olive oil, or about an additional ½ tsp
  1. In a glass or glazed pottery container, add sugar and yeast to the warm water.  Stir gently to moisten the yeast.  Set aside to proof for ten minutes.  At the end of 10 minutes, the mixture should have a fairly thick layer of small bubbles on top.
  2. Put the oven rack in the bottom third of the oven.  Turn the oven on to preheat to 350°F for ONLY TWO MINUTES.  Turn off oven.
  3. Line a small loaf pan (4½” x 8½”) with nonstick foil.
  4. With a whisk, combine flour mix with salt.
  5. To the proofed yeast mixture, gently mix in 1½ Tbsp olive oil.  Add to flour and salt mixture.
  6. With a whisk, very quickly mix liquid mixture with flour mixture.  Whisk briskly until well-combined and mixture thickens.  You may still see some very small clumps.
  7. Set the bowl aside to rest for five minutes.  After five minutes, whisk again until smooth.  (Without the resting period and additional whisking, you will likely end up with small clumps of garbanzo flour in your finished loaf.)
  8. With a silicone spatula, turn batter into the lined loaf pan.  Tap the pan on countertop to help it settle.  Spray top of loaf with olive oil (alternately, lightly drizzle the loaf with oil).  Using a clean silicone spatula, pat and form the loaf until the batter is evenly distributed and slightly rounded.
  9. Set the pan in the (pre-warmed) oven, uncovered, and close the door.
  10. Let rise for 20 minutes, remove loaf.  Set aside, uncovered.  (If your home is really cold, place the rising loaf in a protected area, like inside the microwave.)  Turn oven up to 400°F and preheat for ten minutes.  Place loaf into heated oven, on a rack in the bottom third of the oven, bake at 400°F for 30 minutes until nicely browned.  (For an extra-brown, crusty crust, bake an additional 5 minutes.)
  11. After baking, immediately remove the loaf from the baking pan — place it on a cooling rack or a wooden cutting board.
  12. Enjoy!
  13. Store lightly covered on the countertop for up to two days.  Beyond 48 hours, refrigeration or freezing is recommended.


  • Using the prescribed Flour Mixture, which includes mung bean starch, is an absolute MUST for the bread’s success.  I have tried nearly countless variations of potato, tapioca, and/or corn starch, in addition to numerous other flours — two kinds of millet, sorghum, three kinds of rice flours, potato flour — and NOTHING works like the combination of mung bean starch, oat flour, and garbanzo flour to allow the loaf to rise, and to produce the finished texture of both the crust and the interior of the loaf.
  • Due to variances in humidity in both the air and in your flours, you may find that you need to increase or decrease the water used in the recipe.  If the loaf does not rise well, increase water by 1 Tbsp.  If it rises so much that it spills out of the pan and doesn’t hold a rounded shape well and/or if it caves in or flattens out a little either during or after baking, decrease water by 1 Tbsp.
  • I have tried this recipe using raw milk (both cow and goat) in lieu of water, and it just works best with water.  If you want to try milk, decrease the liquid by at least 1 Tbsp.  The milk will make the loaf brown even more;  keep a closer eye on the time.  It also lends to a more yellowish color in the interior of the loaf, the color of potato bread.)
  • If you want to use a large loaf pan, the bread simply won’t keep its loft as well while baking.  However, it still is a serviceable, tasty loaf.  Use 4¼ cups flour mix, 1½ tsp sea salt, 2¼ cups water, 2 Tbsp sugar, 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1 T yeast.  Let rise and bake for an additional five minutes each.  All other instructions are identical.

If you try this loaf and have questions or comments — positive or negative — PLEASE comment below or e-mail me at  I truly love feedback.

About Karen Joy

I'm a partially-homeschooling mother of six -- 3 boys ages 19, 17 and 15 years old, and three girls: 11, 8, and 3. I like birding, reading, writing, organic gardening, singing, playing guitar, hiking, the outdoors, and books. I very casually lead a very large group of homeschooling families in the Phoenix area. I have a dear hubby who designs homes for a local home builder and who is the worship pastor of our church. I live in the desert, which I used to hate, but now appreciate.

Posted on September 19, 2011, in Celiac Disease, Cooking/Baking/Food/Recipes, Dairy-free, GF Recipes, GFCF, GFCF Recipes, gluten-free, Vegan. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. I am very excited to try this! Now I just need to make it down to the Asian market to get all of the flours. Do you think that flour mix would work well with Banana Bread too? By the way kudos to you for working so hard for so long to perfect your recipe. I don’t think I could have stuck with it like you did. Way to go!

  2. I just found your blog during a Google search for celiac symptoms. I am a homeschooling mom of six. I have a six week old baby with Down’s Syndrome, strictly breastfead. Her stool has been the normal breastfead stood until the last week and a half. Now it is all liquid. There is no foul smell. It occurs once every 24 hours, but a large amount. She has gained 2 pounds in the last 2 and half weeks and has plenty of we diapers, so does not appear to be dehydrated. Do you think she may have Celiac disease? If I went on a gluten free diet, do you think it would clear up? If it is not too much trouble, could you email me your response? Thank you.
    sewingwithtrudy at yahoo dot com

    • I sent you a long e-mail, but for other readers’ sake, of course I can’t diagnose, but it doesn’t sound like celiac to me, even though there is a high incidence rate of celiac disease in those with Down’s. I thought it might be “just” a problem with dairy. I suggest that if the symptoms worsen, you might want to try removing the top eight allergens (wheat/gluten, dairy, tree nuts, peanuts, egg, fish, shellfish, and soy) and if symptoms STILL worsen, you may want to consider embarking on a Total Elimination Diet…. but that is so extreme that you want to do that only as a last-ditch effort.

  3. Well, Karen, I have been so excited to try your newest bread recipe! I just finished a loaf, having followed your procedure. Mixed reviews. The rise is minimal (even though I let it rise longer) and the taste is unimpressive. I used 1 package of rapid-rise yeast instead of the 1 T. of yeast (because I don’t have bulk yeast at this time). Accordingly, I think next time I will use more yeast, and a little more water. Aside, I was interested to note that the wet dough smells exactly like raw green beans. Well, I guess it would, wouldn’t it?

    Thank you for the impressive research and development that you put into all your posts. You were the first resource I found when I found out I had gluten intolerance, and the one to which I go most often for new ideas and healthy tips. Glad to see that your family are doing so well, and that Fiala is so improved!! What a journey you have had!!

    God bless, and thanks!

    • Pam, I’m sorry about your so-so results.

      For richer taste, if you can do milk, try it with milk, instead. That does add more flavor.

      And more yeast is definitely important. Non-wheat flours tend to be denser, and need more bubbles to inflate the dough, and to keep it inflated, as more bubbles tend to pop/deflate in non-wheat bread.

      YES, if you’ve never baked with bean flours before, the smell and taste of the raw dough is NOT encouraging. It’s pretty gross. Anything with bean flours definitely needs to be baked before evaluation.

      I hope it goes better next time!!

  4. Karen what do you think about trying to substitute almond milk for the water for more flavor and protein?

    • Esther, that might be a good idea. The only thing that is sssooooo tricky, though, about GFCF baking is that anything introduced alters the chemistry. This bread is actually quite high-protein, because of the bean flour. But, it is not richly flavorful, so almond milk might be a good idea, just on flavor alone. But then… many almond milks contain sugar, and that can really mess with how the dough rises. Maybe you could do a side-by-side comparison? Two loaves, one with almond milk, one with water, and decide which works best.

      And thanks for visiting!! The Father’s richest blessings to you and your family.

  5. Rather than almond milk, what about adding in almond flour instead? Maybe sub out 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup of the flour mix with almond flour. That way you don’t have to worry about any added sugar but it will add a nice flavor:)

  6. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried doubling or making 1 1/2 times the recipe for a larger loaf pan and how that worked out for you?

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