Why I voted for John McCain today

I voted today.

I was happy to do so.

I was less happy about taking all four of my children to the polls, but I gave them threats a pep talk about surprising the adults there by being a blessing to them, enabling them in what they were there to do — vote — which is very important, by keeping their entire bodies quiet.

But, I needn’t have worried;  the entire affair took about five minutes, because there was no line.  And, they were complimented by an adult regarding their behavior.  😀

I find myself troubled, though, because I have been challenged by some folks regarding my candidate of choice, John McCain.

I don’t like to be challenged.  I don’t like to be tested.  I realize that it’s important, sometimes, to submit to that, but there’s a deep part of me that wants people to realize that I have given so much thought to the issue — whatever the issue is — and my intentions are good.  ~sigh~ (02/07/08 — ETA:  For me, not liking to be challenged is based on my high desire to be trusted.  Not to simply pan it off on personality, but it’s a standard trait among Meyers-Briggs’ ISTJs, which I am.  I have a NEED to be trusted, and it is personally wounding to me when people don’t trust me, because I’m utterly sincere.  I take it as an affront — more than I should — when people don’t trust me.  It’s not about being afraid that I might be wrong.) 

My support of McCain has been long-standing.  I voted for him in the primaries in 2000.  I’m live in Arizona, from where he’s been an outstanding U.S. Congressman for more than 25 years. 

I have though, been having some internal musings about the whole situation, especially since most Christians, and certainly most Christian homeschoolers, support Huckabee.  Why do I support McCain?  Is he the most conservative?  No.  Do I agree with all of his voting decisions and public stances?  No.  But, still, I support him. 

I have come to the realization that I’m not as conservative as I once was.  I have also come to the realization that my hopes for a president lie not just in what he espouses, but in his leadership abilities.  The ability to lead well is a HUGE issue for me.  Also, I confess that I am more pragmatic about my choice of Presidents than I used to be.  I once thought pragmatism was a dirty word.  I thought a pragmatist meant someone who didn’t have the courage of — nor, the proper foundations for — their convictions.

So, how did I get from being ultra-conservative to where I am now?  It’s a long story, which includes finding out — much to my absolute horror — that a high school boyfriend, who was a golden boy of the ultra-conservative think-tank/lecture group I attended, The Arizona Breakfast Club, and also president of the Young Republicans at Arizona State University, was secretly a white supremacist who viewed the Holocaust as a lie.  Matt couldn’t understand why I broke up with him.  Duh.  I also came to the realization that most ultra-conservatives are totally fear-based (much like most ultra-liberals are guilt-based).  I don’t want to live a fearful life. 

The most pivotal point in my change of outlook happened after I got married.

I quickly saw that being unbending in my stances — no matter what the topic — was often based in selfishness, arrogance, a lack of concern about others, cold-heartedness, self-righteousness, an unwillingness to hear anyone else’s opinion, and more ruthless and unkind character qualities.  It became abundantly clear to me that the trust of my husband, and peace in our home, most often trumped my “need” to be right.  Thus, I launched on my slow-moving journey towards valuing others at least as much as I do myself, and understanding that others’ opinions and thoughts could actually be good — even when they didn’t agree with mine.  And, as a matter of fact, just because I valued something as important didn’t mean that it should be important to everyone else.

In other words, I learned that, just because someone disagrees with me doesn’t make them wrong.

I’m NOT saying, “It’s all relative.”  I don’t believe that.  There are definitely areas of sin, and there are definitely areas of black and white.  But, beyond that, there’s a whole lot of grey area shaded with opinion, translation, personal values, personality, personal history, personal convictions… and on and on.

I’m tellin’ ya, if I hadn’t been hit over the head with a sledgehammer learned that, I would be divorced, and much the worse for it.  I’d probably hate the Body of Christ, and have virtually no respect nor value for authority of any kind.  I’d probably be a childless hermit, and I’m not kidding.  I’d probably live five miles up a dirt road in the wild hills somewhere, contentedly (but not so happily) by myself, fighting mental illness.


All that to say, my support of McCain is somewhat pragmatic, and I don’t think that’s bad.  For me, it’s a triumph. 

And, I confess, the issue with which most conservatives take offense with — the McCain-Feingold bill — I really don’t understand.  I mean, literally.  I have virtually no idea what that bill is about, and all its many ramifications, because it just wasn’t that important to me at the time.  I do know that I receive fewer mailers from both pro-life (and other conservative interests) and pro-union (and other liberal interests) during election time, and I think that’s an outgrowth of the McCain-Feingold bill.

If you’re still reading, you may want to check out this article, describing Bob Dole’s defense of John McCain, in a fairly terse letter to Rush Limbaugh, who, along with other conservative pundits and analysts, aren’t big fans of McCain.  One bit was of particular interest to me:

As a P.S., Dole adds a table from the Senate Library showing that McCain’s voting record — as measured by support for the president — mirrored that of the ultra- conservative former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.).

Jesse Helms, folks.  His voting record mirrors Jesse Helms.  I’ve seen the same said of McCain’s record and that of Fred Thompson, too, also a bastion in the conservative front.

I realize that he is not as conservative as some. But neither is he as liberal as perceived by some others.  Republicans are cutting off their noses to spite their faces, IMO, when they vociferate against McCain.  Even if he’s “soft” on issues that some of us would rather he’d be hard on, he’s still, overall, had a very strong conservative record over the entire course of his political career.

In Arizona, he has a 19% disapproval rating, and that’s among Democrats *and* Republicans.  The most conservative don’t approve (for reasons that seem ridiculous to me), and for more understandable reasons, the most liberal don’t approve.  But other than that, by those who know him best, he has had a STRONG approval rating since he took national office in 1982.  For 25+ years, he has proven himself as a strong leader who can get the job done.  He runs his mouth, he ruffles feathers, he’s unafraid to have friends who think/believe differently than he does.  But he’s a GOOD statesman.  Regardless of what the most extreme would accuse him of, or hold against him, he has been a fantastic Congressman.

There are things that I’d rather he’d not espouse. I wish he was vocally a little more supportive of 2nd ammendment issues (though his voting record shows him to be pro-gun).  I don’t think amnesty is the way to go (though I’m not incredibly opposed to it).  I wish his economic policy was a little more clear.  I’d like to know where he stands on US sovereignty issues (though, from his military and POW history, I can’t imagine him supporting any sort of North American Union or anything like that, but from what I can find, he hasn’t been really vocal about his beliefs on the matter).  He does support the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, though why he felt differently for so long is beyond me.  I also wish he was younger, but, oh, well.

I like his sense of humor.  I like that he’s unafraid to speak his mind.  I like that he’s tough.  I value the fact that all seven of his kids have a good relationship with him; to me, that speaks volumes.  It bothers me that he’s on his 2nd marriage, but at least he’s been married to Cindy for nearly 28 years.

I think his is the face that should be turned to the world, saying, “We are Americans. We believe strongly in some really significant things, and we’re willing to back it up, but if you have some disagreements, I’ll probably listen to you.  Some areas are non-negotiables, but I am interested in hearing you out.”   Unlike Bush, he’s at least willing to listen to (most) others who don’t agree with him.  AND, unlike Bush, he’s not really a “damn the torpedoes” kind of guy; he’s more willing to at least try to build concensus, even though he’s not always successful.  Bush says, “This is what I’m doing, and I don’t care what anyone thinks, and I don’t care if anyone else is on board.”  McCain says, “This is what I plan on doing, and this is why I think it’s a good decision; I’d like you to come along.” IMO, that’s better leadership, and we need a president who is a good leader, not just has good ideas. In every situation McCain has been in, for all of his life (at least POW-era and afterwards), he has proven himself to be a LEADER.  That is VERY important to me. 

I am very firm in my resolve of supporting McCain, even though he’s not perfect; I think he would be a fantastic leader of the American people, and a good statesman FOR the American people in foreign affairs.

Plus…. you gotta vote for someone, and I think that McCain is far and away the best choice among Romney (YUCK.  Why isn’t anyone talking about his fairly extreme liberalism and leadership failings????  Even the state over which he was governor, Massachussetts, supports McCain, saying Romney was an awful governor), Huckabee, Paul, Clinton or Obama.  (02/07/08:  ETA — I meant that the most conservative newspaper from Romney’s “home” state supported McCain, not, obviously, as the primaries showed, that the whole state did.)

So.  Anyone still with me???  😀

Please, exercise your right to vote.  I’d be thrilled if  you’d join me in support of McCain, though I would understand if you don’t;  he’s not perfect.  But, please, support someone (I’d be especially pleased if that “someone” was at least a Republican), and don’t just complain about the choices available, and PLEASE don’t cut off your conservative nose to spite your Republican face by saying you’d rather vote for Obama than McCain in the November elections.  That’s just stupid.  IMO.  In my still-not-so-humble opinion.

About Karen Joy

I'm a partially-homeschooling mother of six -- 3 boys ages 19, 17 and 15 years old, and three girls: 11, 8, and 3. I like birding, reading, writing, organic gardening, singing, playing guitar, hiking, the outdoors, and books. I very casually lead a very large group of homeschooling families in the Phoenix area. I have a dear hubby who designs homes for a local home builder and who is the worship pastor of our church. I live in the desert, which I used to hate, but now appreciate.

Posted on February 5, 2008, in Arizona, Christian Living, Family, Friendships, Introspective Musings, Political Thought. Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. We always take the kids to vote (it makes most people cringe to see us coming, LOL). We don’t ever have to wait, though, and we do it the old-fashioned way – paper and pencil and an antique, crank-handle ballot box. It’s super cool.

    I can’t say I voted for McCain today, but if he’s the nominee I most certainly will support him.

  2. What a great, heart-felt post, Karen. I did not vote for McCain today but every time I hear something about McCain I think of you and how strongly you’ve supported him. I keep thinking, “Well, if Karen supports him and I respect her so much then maybe he’s not so bad.” 😉 It says a lot that you have had him for your congressman for so long and you think so highly of him. And the 19% figure is pretty amazing! That’s impressive.

    He looks to be doing pretty well in the polls so far so we’ll see what happens! I would most certainly support him if he were chosen as the Republican candidate! Thanks for pouring your heart out and sharing so much valuable information!

  3. Great post!!! I think there has been a lot of nose spiting face thing going on and based on tonight’s results folks needed to get behind McCain. I do think that a McCain/Huckabee ticket would be quite interesting.

    Our primary is next week but it is closed and since I am now a registered Independent, I can’t vote. Hubby will vote but we are the equivalent of Matlin/Carville in that we are different parties. He crossed over to vote for Bush in the last Presidential election. 🙂

    In the end, I think that Romney snowed many Christians into thinking he believed what they believed and they fell for it without enough investigation, but that is another story.

  4. Well, in the unlikely event of a) my exercising my very theoretical claim to a green card and b) there being no Democrats to vote for, I’d probably vote for McCain – for one thing, he understands (and i don’t think the other Republican candidates do) that there’s an outside world out there and the US has, like it or not, an enormous influence on it. Which is so many of us foreigners take it upon ourselves to express an opinion in the matter 🙂

  5. I don’t believe you actually looked into Ron Paul at all. You don’t like to be challenged because you don’t like to be wrong. I know you won’t post this, but I’m leaving it here for you anyway.

    Have you looked into John McCain’s “Hispanic Outreach Coordinator” at all? Why don’t you let him introduce himself to you? http://michellemalkin.com/2008/01/27/in-his-own-words-mccains-hispanic-outreach-director-preaches-open-borders/

    Ron Paul– honesty, integrity, common sense, faith, real family values, respect for personal liberty, a working knowledge of the Constitution… No wonder the Republicans don’t want him. You on the other hand?

    tsk tsk tsk

  6. It’s such a tough decision, but I understand just what you are saying. I am not nearly as conservative as other Christians. I just read a post about how America is going to the dogs and we need to move to another country because it’s either McCain or the democrats.
    Here’s where I start to derail from the norm:
    I don’t believe prayer in schools is the answer to most problems (as I don’t know I want just anyone leading my child through prayer), I don’t necessarily believe a Christian is going to be the best choice to run the country only out of beliefs, I care about issues regarding the environment, and the posting of 10 Commandments is not important to me when there are people suffering and I’m not sure posting them will change that.it almost seems like something the Pharisees would get hung up on.
    I want to help the poor, I want to help those in need, I want to have the freedom to go to my church but I can’t pretend that others don’t have the same wants and rights that I have.
    I don’t fault anyone for who they vote for, even if we disagree, but I do believe that there is more than just my perspective.
    I think your change, as with mine, is directly related to maturity and an understanding that the world is made up of different people and we are not going to make everyone just like us. There needs to be balance in politics while not sacrificing beliefs.
    P.S. – I am curious about the above Ron Paul comment as most brothels and prostitutes were supporting him. It was also reported that he met with them (on a private jet) and they had shirts made up “Pimping for Paul”. That sounds a little out of the family values category.

  7. I just wrote a response and my computer crashed 😦 Argh!

    martha, I seriously doubt that what you say is true. It would not surprise me one bit if the campaign was receiving contributions from some unsavory folk, they like freedom and liberty, too. But there is no way I will believe without proof that Ron Paul went on a private jet with prostitutes. For Pete’s sake, the man refused to answer the question of whether Ann Coulter was “hot or not” when asked by a Yahoo! reporter.

    I urge you to go to Ron Paul’s website http://www.ronpaul2008.com and see for yourself what this man is all about. I also beg you to listen to this mp3 interview with his wife of 51 years and 2 of his granddaughters. He also speaks at the end. Ron Paul is the real deal, the candidate Christians have been waiting for and they are forsaking him. It’s a shame. I really urge any Christians out there to listen to this mp3 before they make a judgement about his family values.

    [audio src="http://godsipod.com/podcast_res/israel_anderson/audio/IA_080202.mp3" /]

    Otherwise, I agree with so much of what you said in your comment. Especially this “There needs to be balance in politics while not sacrificing beliefs.” You will see if you dig, and not very deeply, I might add, that Ron Paul’s voting record is rock solid when it comes to his beliefs.

  8. Not to hijack Karen’s post but I saw the brothel endorsement on 20/20. I do not know if he (Paul) ever was on the plane with them (or others) but it was interesting the amount of airplay/print this endorsement received and it seems that Tucker Carlson is the one who set-up the endorsement….hmmmm. A simple google search will pull up much more about it.

  9. When you put this endorsement into perspective it’s sole purpose is to smear Ron Paul. No mention of private jets, but this “‘On a personal basis, he doesn’t condone those things,’ Greenspan said of prostitution. ‘At the same time, from his campaign perspective, it’s not the role of federal government and it’s not in the constitution for federal government to regulate these things.'”

  10. I have been gone for most of the day, and I will respond to all comments as soon as I can.

    But, for now, Jessica, I have a little story for you:

    I open the door to find a curious package for me on my doorstep. The return address is that of a friend, but the package itself is a more than a bit scary: Affixed to the outside are various bits of broken glass and metal fragments. The whole thing is wrapped in barbed wire, and some sort of noxious substance is leaking out of one corner. Still. It’s from a friend. I gingerly push the package a bit with my foot, looking for a corner that is accessible, one where I can unwrap the package and find out what’s inside. To my great surprise, however, the package lunges at me and snaps with glass-shard teeth. I carefully push the box aside until I can figure out what to do with it.

    In the meanwhile, I send a note to the friend, saying, “Hey, great to hear from you! I got your package! Thanks for thinking of me!! How are things going??”

    The reply comes back, “So did you like the package? You should like what’s inside.”

    I slowly answer, “Well, I didn’t really open it yet.”

    WHAT??? You didn’t open it??? I sent it three weeks ago! What have you been doing with it?”

    “Well, I tried, sort of. I guess I’ve been waiting for… the right time to open it.”

    “Well, there’s obviously something wrong with you, if you don’t care enough to open gifts sent to you by your friends. I guess you’re not the person I thought you were.”


    Perhaps, inside the package is a couple of ingots of gold, and perhaps the sender only lacks a little insight on effective marketing techniques. But, I’ll likely never know.

    If McCain is judged by the staff he keeps, a candidate is judged by his/her supporters, and, frankly, I haven’t liked what I’ve seen out of Ron Paul’s supporters. At all. Maybe it’s a weakness on my part; I just can’t get past the exterior to examine what lies beneath. But, sometimes, it does seem to me that one can judge a book by its cover, or the contents of a package by the packaging itself. Paul may be gold, but the package that surrounds him is completely repellent.

  11. Enjoyed this post! thanks for sharing your perspective. One thing I’ve realized in the Bush Era is how much I care about HOW a leader makes decisions. I’ve been listening carefully to the candidates not as much on “the issues” (they are all pretty predictable) but their reasons for choosing them. So, while McCain’s opinions are more conservative than mine, I do trust the way he comes to his decisions and the way he is able to bring a team together to make things happen. I would not be sad if he were elected (unless he picked an uber-conservative for a running mate and subsequently died). Of course, I’m still hoping for Barack OBama, who, a few years ago single-handedly, and without even trying, restored my hope in the power of faith in politics (and the political process in general) with this speech: http://obama.senate.gov/podcast/060628-call_to_renewal_1/

  12. I. do. not. like. McCain. At all. Not even a little bit.

    BUT, I sort of feel like momlovesbeingathome (above), “Well, I REALLY do like Karen. And for some reason she still likes McCain. So, maybe there is something I’m not seeing.” 🙂 So, I’ll keep an open mind.

    If I judged him by his supporter….. 🙂

    For all the Obama supporters, though….



    ….even when I like Obama supporters, I cannot find even an ounce of respect for him.

  13. Karen – Nice one! (And nicely written, too). On a completely different note, you’ll be very amused to hear that Dudelet is at this very moment (6:35 am) singing “God made me/I got to tell it to the world” at the top of his voice. You’ve evidently put a fifth columnist in my house 🙂

  14. The Jews wanted Barabbas over Jesus. They said “Release the criminal” instead of “Release this man who has done great things and taught us about the love of God, the power of repentance and forgiveness.” You are a being Pharasaical when you judge Ron Paul by his supporters. Just as the Pharisees said of Jesus.

    “And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

    Now I am in no way trying to compare Ron Paul to Jesus, but this is the way I see it. Jesus didn’t necessarily keep very “family values” oriented company. Are we here as Christians to hide in our churches and tend to each other? Or are we to live our faith where ever we are, being in the world but not of it?

    There are plenty of Ron Paul supporters who know not the love of Christ. Inadvertently through his message of liberty he is introducing people to a faith in Christ that goes beyond the judgement of sinners and preaching to the choir. It’s almost as if most Christians would rather the sinners all burn in hell. Even God doesn’t want that, he doesn’t want even one of us to be lost. We were ALL lost before we trusted Jesus.

    One of the major messages Ron Paul has to share, one of the greatest things this man has done, is brought the pro-life message to people who would not accept it from a (greedy, corrupt)Huckabee or a (greedy, corrupt, lying)Bush. Ron Paul supporters have genuine respect for the man because he lives what he believes. Every day of his life. He’s not Jesus, he isn’t perfect, but he is a genuinely good man.

    I wish I was perfectly non-offensive. I wish that it didn’t bother me when people ignore me. I wish that I was better able to control my emotions. God is working in me, I am seeking Him. I need Him to heal me. It should not bother me so much that when I admit my mistakes, my errors in behavior to people, that they then string me along and lie to me as though they care about me. You could have written back to me and said, “Jessica, I don’t want to talk to you about Ron Paul or anything else for that matter. I wrote a post on my blog about why I voted for John McCain.” You could have said any number of things. Instead you said you would be “sad” if I stopped writing to you and opted to string me along with your “gentle” promises of a more heartfelt reply. It’s what you’ve always said to me. And now you will “win” because that’s what you are, a winner, by moderating this post and having the final snarky say in front of your friends. And they will cheer you on and it’s ok. I’ll never measure up to anyone’s expectations of me so I thank God for grace.

  15. KJ, once again I see we walk a similar path. I have come from being too ultraconservative back to here for similar reasons as you. I was ultraliberal as a teen and young adult, and swung to ultraconservative because it was the “Christian” thing to do, (like QF, right?). And now I have come back to a middle position. How middle am I? When I did one of the many candidate quizzes, my top 6 matching candidates were Dem-Rep-Dem-Rep-Dem-Rep. None of them matched me more than 17%. Sigh.

    For the record, I’m endorsing Ron Paul. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are talking about when you compare “Ron Paul supporters” to a bomb-looking package covered with shards of glass and barbed wire. I haven’t seen such a person.

    But you did tell me things about McCain I didn’t know. He was my 4th matching candidate on the quiz. He’s the only candidate who suggests amnesty which I approve of. That’s one of the things I’d have to concede to Paul if he won. I abhor the very idea of a border “fence” because I’ve seen the atrocity they call a border fence in San Diego– speaking of shards of glass and barbed wire.

    Thanks for blogging about McCain. I appreciate it. Our voting starts Feb 19 and goes through Mar 4- I look forward to it.

  16. Hopefully, Karen, you won’t mind of I kind of hijack this thread for a moment to address Jessica directly – not that you haven’t done a fine job yourself. 😉

    Jessica, I don’t know if I’m missing something – if there’s more behind the scenes that I don’t know about but to me each of your comments has seemed to have either some disrespectfulness, anger, or even some venom in them. I don’t know if you realize it’s coming across that way. Maybe it’s unintentional – I know I’ve done that without even realizing it (!) so I know it’s possible. But no matter how much you’d like to – you will never get everyone to agree with you 100% politically. It’s just not going to happen. Arguing about it and putting down the other person for not seeing things your way is not a very effective way to persuade them to your point of view either. Karen’s story that she shared earlier was a great example for this! We all have different things that we feel are important for us and for our country. Each of us will see each candidate a little differently. We all have different priorities. Because of this we will vote for different candidates. That doesn’t make one person wrong and another right (unless you vote for Hilary – then you’re wrong! JUST KIDDING! 😀 ) what it does is say we are all different people with different thoughts and ideas. We need to respect the fact that we will all see each candidate differently and vote as we think is best for this country.

  17. We will all never agree, but I do find peace when I try to understand another perspecitve. The country is so diverse (travel and tell me it’s not). God has made us all so unique it’s bound to be that way.
    Karen – Maybe it’s an Arizona thing because I know exactly what you mean. The ONLY supporters I know of Ron Paul and not only non-christians but have law “issues”, like following it, and only seem to want him so they can not be accountable for their actions. THAT IS NOT TO SAY —ALL–are!!!!!!!!!! I am just saying that’s been the only people I know that have the signs and say they are supporters. Which to be honest are only a handful of people.
    Am I offended people are voting for him, or anyone else,…no! I can talk about it and am curious about information from candidates. The only time I have a problem with people and voting/politics is when they think there is only one way and we have to move to another country if someone is elected!
    And let’s be honest there is not too much in politics that isn’t corrupt! We are sinners and this system, great as it is, will always have some level of sin and corruption. I think the reason our system works is the level of checks and balances. It doesn’t prevent it but it helps. And guess what it takes ALL sides and parties to keep the checks and balances going.

  18. OK, everyone. I know I said that I would reply to each commenter, but I’m growing weary. Yesterday was crazy-busy, and today I’ve spent practically the whole day e-mailing back and forth with various folks who both support me and think that I’m awful… So, I’m sorry, but I just don’t have the fortitude right now to respond to each of you. But, I have read every comment and *thought* about my response. So, I’m sending my thoughts your way, OK??? 😀

    I’m now going to work on a crazy-FUN blog post that I got from Daja. Then, I think I’ll be done with blogging for the day.

  19. pragmatism. Christians thinking pragmatically. we need to challenge this way of thinking. the way of the cross is anything but pragmatic. the kingdom of God does not make sense. it is foolishness, a stumbling block. but it is this totally non-pragmatic event in human history that is our salvation.

    thank you for your thoughts and honesty.

  20. Well, Chad, if I was expecting to draw my salvation from John McCain, that would be thinking that, indeed, needed to change. However, neither my salvation, nor my hope (which is why I’m very uneasy about Obama’s message) is ever going to lie in a person other than Jesus. I’m not being pragmatic about my salvation; I’m being pragmatic about my choice for President. I think that’s something that many evangelicals are confusing, this election cycle (and others, too, perhaps), both placing too much hope in one candidate, and too much fear in others. Our President is our country’s leader, not our country’s Savior.

    Thanks, though, for your visit.

  21. After Obama said he will hire a new army of teachers because we are not doing our jobs

    “Let me see if I’ve got this right:

    “You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their TO-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.

    “You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.

    “You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job. You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the state exams.

    “You want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.

    “You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps. You want me to do all this and then you tell me:
    I CAN’T ask My God for Help??

    My advice to you Obama ask My God for my vote!

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