Accordion worship, “kinship” worship, birth sadness, learning to mother, and a few more groceries

  • Sunday morning, I was sitting next to my pastor (which virtually never happens — but his wife was out of town, my hubby was in the back of church for some reason, and there were other people on “our” row, so Dennis and I were thrown together) during announcements, and I saw that, instead of “kinships”, the church is now calling our midweek home groups “small groups.”  Hm.  I asked Pastor Dennis quietly about this, and he mentioned that it was intentional, and that there were other changes on the way, rather an update in image, from what I could tell.  “Maybe you’ll be dying your hair blonde!” he joked.  I laughed, envisioning it.  It feels good to have a relationship with my pastor where I can laugh with him.  I also disrupted a wedding reception about a week ago, laughing uncontrollably and way-too-loudly at his HILARIOUS description of the Worst Worship Ever, led by a man in Scotland, on a 120 bass accordion.  I didn’t blog about it then, because I was afraid that, somehow, it might get back to the poor chap who was so proud of his Beer Barrel Polka-esque “modern” worship… but then, Dennis mentioned it in his message yesterday morning at church, saying he didn’t care if the man heard, saying with a laugh, “the truth shall set you free!”  (The story is at the very start of the message…)
  • Speaking of kinship/small groups, I will be leading worship (on an acoustic guitar, NOT an accordion!) in one again this year, on Thursday nights.  The new kinship/small group season starts next week.  If you’re in the Phoenix area and you wanna come, let me know!   The leader is a Phoenix police officer, so I feel safe offering the general invite.  😀
  • I heard a sad birth story this weekend… mother induced three days before her EDD because she is small and the doc was afraid that the baby was “too big”.  Long story short, she had a vacuum-assisted delivery, and bled profusely, which led to her needing a transfusion.  😦  Induction… JUST SAY NO! Her baby was just a smidge over 8 lbs, though he was very long for his weight, which may have led the doctor to believe (via ultrasound) that the baby was going to be ginormous.  The poor, precious woman.  My heart absolutely breaks for her.  But, stories like that re-energize my drive to be a natural birth advocate.  But a kind one, who doesn’t make a woman feel like crap if the delivery goes awry.  I’ve been on way too many websites whose intent, it seems, is to make women feel like they are rotten, if they make choices, or allow themselves to be led into “choices” (IOW, informed consent, but not educated consent) that end up harming themselves or their baby.  Dear Jesus, help me always be compassionate and tender towards mothers.
  • Regarding mothering, a friend, pregnant with her second child, posted on Facebook about reading a horrid book on preparing for one’s second-born… and it reminded me, among other things, about how I virtually never read parenting books.  When I have difficulty with a mothering situation, I find someone who seems to be excelling in that area, and ask her, “What do you do?”  Not only do I gain pinpointed advice from a trusted source, but requesting advice from another mother always encourages her about her parenting, and the interaction brings our relationship just a wee bit closer.  Voila!  Books are better than people.  Most of the time.  🙂
  • And because I grew weary of blogging about groceries for a week, my remaining faves about which I (apparently foolishly) committed to blog are: Cholula, Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra, Marathon of Miracles food bars, Hansen’s diet soda, Kettle Krinkle Cut Chips, and My Nana’s tortilla chips.

About Karen Joy

I'm a partially-homeschooling mother of six -- 3 boys ages 19, 17 and 15 years old, and three girls: 11, 8, and 3. I like birding, reading, writing, organic gardening, singing, playing guitar, hiking, the outdoors, and books. I very casually lead a very large group of homeschooling families in the Phoenix area. I have a dear hubby who designs homes for a local home builder and who is the worship pastor of our church. I live in the desert, which I used to hate, but now appreciate.

Posted on September 13, 2010, in Babies, Birth, Family, Medical Stuff, Missions and ministry, Motherhood, Music, Parenting, Vineyard Phoenix, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I haven’t been over here in a while… I must say, love love love your new design. I just redid mine today and lost my entire blogroll. Ugh!


  2. Ah, church. Echoes of my youth in a lot of this entry. The most vociferous advice we had about babies was from my American mother, a former theatre nurse who gave me up for adoption. She has the idea that a baby is a kind of regulatable machine, rather like a thermostat. So we were very dependent on an (updated) Dr Spock and a whole host of other books in lieu of advice from actual people. The best advice of all, though definitely came from a close friend and mother of three.

    (Really about time I dropped by again, y’know?)

  3. OMG, I have no idea what you are going to say about My Nanna’s tortilla chips, but I LOVE THEM! Jay and I fell in love with them when we were in Phx, and haven’t been able to have any since. Poop. They don’t sell them in TN, and… I haven’t seen them here in TX. But I don’t usually do the grocery shopping, either. Anyway, no pressure on giving an honest review, but they are my FAVORITE tortilla chips.

    • They ARE the best. It’s just that they’re $3 for a 13 oz bag, and that’s hard to justify when I can get other tortilla chips so much cheaper, like for a third of the price. So, we have to save them for special occasions. 🙂 Martin knows I love him when I bring home some My Nana’s. Funny enough, the company (La Canasta) is owned by the family of a lady who has long attended our church (who is a wonderful woman who could, frankly, efficiently run a country, in my opinion)… I asked her about the TWO POUND bags mentioned on the website, and she said they were available at Sam’s Club. I have a Costco membership, but not Sam’s Club. Knowing that I could get TWO POUND bags of My Nana’s made me consider switching to Sam’s, since we love those chips so much. I don’t know if they’d be at Sam’s Club in TX or not… Worth checking out, if you know anyone with a membership. Does Dad have one? Or just to Costco?

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